
Emergency Communication for First Responders
Helping First Responders reduce miscommunication through app & router based incident command system
Helping First Responders reduce miscommunication through app & router based incident command system

Location based attendance system to easily manage multiple work sites
Location based attendance system to easily manage multiple work sites

Making college communities safer through realtime location based alerts
Making college communities safer through realtime location based alerts

Grid Timecard
A multi-platform solution transforming the maintenance of paper timecards in construction industry
A multi-platform solution transforming the maintenance of paper timecards in construction industry

Foundation 2.0
A new redesigned website to transform customer frustration to satisfaction
A new redesigned website to transform customer frustration to satisfaction

Brand Guidelines
An answer to Foundation's questions on "How should we look, feel and sound"
An answer to Foundation's questions on "How should we look, feel and sound"